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Dornbracht Affusion Pipe Polished Chrome

Dornbracht Affusion Pipe Polished Chrome

SKU: 4121107301

Regular, targeted applications of water have a positive effect on your body and your mind. Sebastian Kneipp was one of the first to recognise that hydrotherapeutic treatments improve wellbeing and he developed the Kneipp Cure that bears his name and which the German UNESCO Commission has now included in the German nationwide intangible cultural heritage inventory. The aim of Kneipp's naturopathic treatment was to maintain and restore human health. 

The content and application of Kneippism is based on five pillars: the health-enhancing power of water, proper nutrition, medicinal plants, exercise and a balanced lifestyle. The aim of the holistic Kneipp therapy is to achieve harmony between body, mind and soul. More about Kneipp and the efficacy of water in an interview with Jochen Reisberger, the head of physiotherapy at the Kneippianum in Bad W�rishofen.

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